Singing Guide: Robin Williams

Singing Guide: Robin Williams

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Robin Williams was a beloved actor and comedian, known for his quick wit, humor, and larger-than-life personality. However, many may not know that he was also a talented singer. Williams showcased his singing abilities in his films and on various talk shows. His unique vocal technique was characterized by his ability to use his voice to convey strong emotions, often punctuated by sudden shifts in pitch and tone.

One of Williams' most famous performances was his rendition of "Blame Canada" from the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. His ability to convey a wide range of emotions in just a few minutes is a testament to his skill as a singer.

To learn singing like Robin Williams, it is important to first analyze your own voice to determine your vocal range, as Williams had a very dynamic range. Singing Carrots offers a fantastic vocal range test, which can be found here.

Williams had great breath support and was able to sustain long phrases without running out of air. Singing Carrots offers a wonderful article on breathing basics, which can be accessed here.

Another aspect of Williams' vocal technique was his use of articulation to convey emotion and make the lyrics of a song stand out. Singing Carrots offers a helpful article on articulation, which can be read here.

Finally, Williams' emotion and humor on stage were a large part of what made his singing performances so memorable. Singing Carrots has a great article on singing with intuition, emotion, skills, and thinking, which can be accessed here.

In conclusion, to learn singing like Robin Williams, focus on analyzing and expanding your vocal range, perfecting your breath support and articulation, and bringing your own emotion and humor to the stage. Check out Singing Carrots' range of resources to further improve your singing ability and technique.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.